Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why hasn't there been an update?

That is what I keep asking myself every time I log in to read the next installment of my life. I like to read as if I am a stranger looking in, and every few days I pop in to see that, sadly, there is no update. Then I have to remind myself that is because I am the author the this so called blog, so I have to write it.

The trip was "interesting" but mostly uneventful. I got airsick for the first (ANd hopefully last) time of my life, but other than that, no real surprised. Hand and donor site look good, see you next year.

We are headed to the Shrine Circus next month, as guests of the Shrine Clowns. I keep offering to pay for the tickets after all they have done for us, but they keep refusing. They are great people!

SO at least there is something to look forward to.

Winter break is almost over, but it was about 3 days too long for me and the kids. We are all bickering at this point. Right now I am enjoying a bit of silence. DH took the girls to the studio so they could play on their computers (ALl the way to the basement LOL!) and the boy is napping. I wish I was a napper, otherwise I may be napping, too. Then again, if I were napping, I'd once again log in to look for an update and find none, so I guess its a good thing I'm not.

Ok nothing more to report at this time.

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Saturday, February 09, 2008

On Our Way To Cincinnati once again

Just a check up, so it will be a quick one, well, not as quick as usual. Last year when we went we were able to get direct flights there and back the same day for roughly $850. THis year the exact same flight was $1500+.


SO now I have to drag the boy (Have I mentioned he is very 2 these days?) on a connecting flight, then spend the night then go to the doc, be told everything looks good come back in a year, then drag the very 2 year old boy back on a connecting flight home again.

Grr. Well, it does save the Shriner's a bit of cash. THis nonsense only runs $600 each. They are paying for it, the cab voucher and putting us up for the night. And I guess I can't really complain. They do not charge for any of the visits, transportation or supplies needed for the boys care. I am just a bit aggravated that anyone has to pay that much money to fly for a doc appointment.

Well, wish my wonderful DH luck at any rate. HE will be on duty for nearly 40 hours. Sure, far less time than the 2 weeks we were gone the first time, during the worst October Storm this area has ever seen, but still. It will be a nice reminder of what I deal with 24/7, and much easier for him since I will have the boy with me.

OOH Maybe I'll get a nice present out of it! Maybe I'll just get an even better hug and a bit of sympathy. Maybe I should just stop expecting things and keep in mind that he works very hard so that I can stay home with the punks we were given.

Eh, I guess. I am a very lucky woman and I know it!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Are all boys weird, or just the ones I know?

The Boy and I are on our way to the doc in a bit.

Not sure WHY, but The Boy found the white out I had just used on M's homework and in the split second it took him to find it and open it, decided to try it IN his eye.

I rinsed it out the best I could, put a warm compress on it, then called the doc. We got the first appointment, so off to the doc at 8:45.

WHY? WHY? WHY? I can understand in the nose, or even in the mouth, but your eye? Seriously?

No one said having children would be boring.

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