Monday, November 02, 2009

How's your week shaping up?

I"ll bet even money that its infinitely better than mine will be!

Today is the only full day I have at home, and I have to clean the entire house and make a meat market run. Oh and pay on my Christmas Lay away and the car loan. Oh and pick up DH's meds.

Tomorrow I will get to have my head shrunk.

Wednesday I get to have a root canal! I"ve always wanted one of those! NOT! Followed by the "typical crazy" schedule of picking one kid up at school at 3:45 to make it to their jazz/ tap class by 4. Volunteer at Salvation Army (if I'm up to it) until they are done at 6, then race to church for their AWANA meetings until 8, then home for night time/ bed stuff.

Thursday I get to relax a bit at my Mother's Or PreSchoolers (MOPS) meeting then do my bill stuff.

Friday I have a surgical consult to have my gall bladder removed. Then I will make a mad dash to the bank and try to make it home in time to get the kids off the bus.

Saturday we have the boy's tap class in the morning and the dog's training class in the afternoon.

With exception of the MOPS meeting, and my puppy time, it doesn't look like too much fun, but I will manage! In all this I still have to find time to cook for the family, do laundry, train the dog, wash the dishes, feed the cat, blog, take a shower or two, bathe the dog, take my meds, monitor homework, and deal with what ever else wants to pop up this week!

Being a Trophy Wife is never easy!


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