um, ok, maybe too strong of a word, but I did survive a pit bull attack that is!
I started out to walk our 6 month old puppy and only got 2 doors down when our neighbor's 2 pit bulls attacked us! Candi, mostly, but I was in the way.
We both made it out alive, thanks to the kindness and insanity of 3 of our neighbors' visitors, one of which wrestled BOTH dogs to the ground and held them in headlocks until animal control arrived. Not before they chewed some serious holes into my pup and me, too.
I made it out with scratches to my nose, upper lip, chin and under my chin and a serious scratch and other scratches to my ribs including one puncture mark, which was all checked out by immediate treatment. I am now on antibiotics.
Puppy needed staples to close a few of her wounds and was shaven in many more spots. We rescheduled her spaying, which was supposed to be yesterday. We will now do it when she gets her staples removed.
Today (Day 2 after the attack) I am still very sore and tired. I stopped sleeping. I did take a xantax last night and slept better, but far from great. and Pup needs a bit of coaxing to get her outside again. *sigh*
and nope, that ER visit was not free, either.
OMG!! That is horrible!! I am so glad that you are okay!
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