Friday, June 20, 2008

Are Wii Having fun yet?


We got a Wii just before Mother's day. THe basic system, Wii Play, and Link's Cross bow. IT was fun, and we enjoyed it.

3 weeks later we get Guitar Hero 3, 2 steering wheels, Thrill Ville and Indy 500. Wow! Never know family time could evoke SO much laughter! ANd I can't remember the last time I felt SO accomplished as the night I ran downstairs where DH was recording with one of his artist and I burst in exclaiming " I beat the devil on Easy!!".

THis past week, was perhaps my shining achievement I managed to snag Mario Kart AND a Wii Fit.

I've NEVER laughed SO hard while exercising in my life! I love that it is very encouraging, with a hint of attitude. I love that when I end up as a snowball at the bottom of a giant downhill ski hill, that I can't wait to do it again! I love that my girls, now 7 and 6, willingly race each other and laugh SO hard when they LOSE!

I'm sure I will be sore, but I am equally sure I will be playing this thing more tonight. and tomorrow. and the next day!

Nope, no endorsement deals here, just letting you know that there are things that live up to the hype!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Back to Disney we go!

DH discussed it at length and we were in agreement: No DIsney until 2009. Um then DH got an e-mail claiming that the time to book Free dining is almost over and well, he said well, lets just do it! Being ever the level headed one, I protested, but he insisted, so here is it 3 days later and I have our room booked, airline tickets, ADR's (Advance dining reservations) and even reserved a golf cart to use!

All done while setting up and throwing a party for my new 6 YO, picking my dad up at the airport, registering all 3 kidlets for swimming and gymnastics for the summer, going to church and trying to relax. Um no, the laundry did not get done, but hey, I took on a lot this weekend, and I am getting caught up today!

SOOOOO Back we go! YAY!!!


Thursday, June 05, 2008

the most randomest of thoughts

I was volunteering at my newly 6YO's school the other day and I zoned out for a bit.

And I've been pondering this very strange thought ever since.

I have decided that I never want to play "SImon says" with circus folk.

Nothing against them personally, but I just do not think I could ever win when the "Caller" says things like "Simon says 'put your butt on your head'" OR "Simon says 'Balance on one arm'" and everyone there can do it but me.


Why can't I dream about hunky guys barely dressed like every other housewife out there?

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Monday, June 02, 2008

2 pounds 14 oz.

That does not sound very big at all. And well, it isn't. I've gained as much on a good weekend of holiday eating. But 6 years ago today my baby girl came into this world weighing just that!

You'd never know it today, although she is still on the small size, she makes up for it with enthusiasm!

I love her more than I can tell you, even when she writes on the newly painted white walls. In black Sharpie. Again.

I can still remember her in her isolette with my wedding ring next to her arm looking like a bracelet. I remember how scared I was at her sudden entrance and the roller coaster ride we took the next 6 weeks one day she spent in the NICU.

But it was all worth it to see my energizer bunny bound through the house full of energy. At 6:15 AM. Again.

My baby girl is now 6. Wow.

She is having her first friend party here on Saturday and decided on a Hawaiian Luau theme. When I asked her what kind of party she wanted at first she looked at me like I was an alien and said in a pseudo sarcastic tone " A BIRTHDAY know,!" Then realized I was asking about theme not content and we started brainstorming. I tried hard not to laugh at how seriously she was describing WHAT a party was to me.

I love my baby girl. Whoops. I guess she is a little girl. At least I still have the boy. I can call him my baby still since he is very 2. Well, for 3 more weeks, then it will be his turn. He will be 3!