Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Little Known Facts

According to my oldest, at one time we lived in Shake A Llama, NY. Um, well, even though we haven't moved, we now live in Cheektowaga (Cheek Tow Ah Gah)

My 3 YO goes to Pretty school, as in Preschool.

My boy was very nearly named Sporticus. Thank heavens that he was born without a moustache.

I think I have a fear of being organized.

I was actually considering going back to work today. Then I decided that just about the only job I want is a cast member at Walt Disney World LOL!

I am currently below the weight I was the day I got married.

I fear my 3YO is heading for a lifetime of medication to control her impulsive behavior!!

I find myself looking at clothing for my oldest DD (Almost 6) that baby boy will be able to wear when he gets older. (almost 1) LOL!

I often fantasize about my life "When I grow up".

I do like to vacuum, but I hate having to move everything out of the way in order to do it.

My 5YO has been know to be overheard saying "I only like my mom's sloppy joe".

I have said things that I never ever thought in a million years I would ever hear coming out of my mouth. Things like "Please, don't put your cheese in my lemonade" or "Stop flinging frosting on the Christmas tree!"

I fantasize about a bigger house, you know one with more than 2 bedrooms, or more than one bathroom, but then I think. "When will I have time to clean it?"

I am still deeply and madly in love with my husband.

I've had to inform a friend that he was dating a woman. He eventually married her!

I still keep in contact with 2 friends that I have had since Pre K! Not as often as I'd like, but I know where they work, live and the names and birthdates of their kids!

Although I belong to a Water Ski Show Team, I do not swim. I really am not all that comfortable in the water.

Even though I do not swim, I still managed to get SCUBA certified as a Dive Master - and it only took me 45 minutes to swim my mile in the Water Rescue portion of the test. I can save you, but don't expect me to do it anytime soon!

I've had my cat longer than I've known my DH. My DH will tell you its his cat.

Now you know more than you did when you started reading this!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Its Mother's Day Eve

Here I sit at my beloved computer, trying to get the girls to go to sleep (It is WAY past their bed time) the boy is asleep in his crib and DH is gone to work.

Can I vent here for a moment?

Tomorrow is mother's day. So far I have made my mom's card and delivered it to her today. I have been told I need to make one for my MIL and GMIL as well, and a card for my SIL (?!?!?) would be a good idea. Don't get me wrong, I love making cards, But so far I have been informed that I will be taking the kids to church my myself in the morning (No sleepng in, and I have to keep the kids quiet while we dress/ eat/ get out the door. DH will be working until 4 AM the next county over. Church starts at 9 AM. I was involved with the planning of the Mother's Day meal at my IL's house because DH was working.

I came home today from my Mom's house (We were celebrating her birthday today as well at Mother's day - TWO cards! LOL!) and promptly made dinner. SO, what exactly is the point?

Well, I guess I was just hoping that things would be different this year with my DD being 5 and much more aware of things going on around her. She is indeed VERY aware it is Mother's Day Tomorrow. She even "Snuck" her gift she made in school home and hid it so she can surprise me with it. I even recieved a card from her in the mail. It was VERY touching! (Church helped her with that one!). My 3 YO has a card for me, which she she long forgot about, but I know where it is - pretty school helped her with that one. The boy will not even aknowledge this day as differnet from any other, but I will get plenty of special smiles, snuggles and laughs from him.

I guess I am feeling cheated. No sleeping in, no breakfast in bed, and most likely no gift or card from DH unless he hastily goes out to get one tomorrow afternoon before heading over to his parents house, which will make me feel guity since I know he has been wokring so much and so hard lately. I will still get up in the middle of the night to attend to each of my children's needs and will quietly get everyone ot the door. I will sit all alone in Church and yet still come home with fresh hot Coffee for my DH who will no doubt at 11 AM still be asleep in bed.

I really shouldn't complain. My DH is very blessed with an abundance of work, and talent to match it! We have money to pay all our bills and plan a great vacation! My children are equally blessed to have me be able to be a SAHM and they have 2 sets of grandparents (And one GREAT Grand mother!) still alive that they see on a regular basis. I get along well with my IL's and my parents like my DH as well. I live in a home that we are on our way to owning, and our car will be paid in full shortly.

Why then do I feel cheated for something that hasn't even happened yet? Who knows. I am blessed beyond belief. I am a mother. I am very lucky to even have that title! I guess I should just dwell on that.