Saturday, February 09, 2008

On Our Way To Cincinnati once again

Just a check up, so it will be a quick one, well, not as quick as usual. Last year when we went we were able to get direct flights there and back the same day for roughly $850. THis year the exact same flight was $1500+.


SO now I have to drag the boy (Have I mentioned he is very 2 these days?) on a connecting flight, then spend the night then go to the doc, be told everything looks good come back in a year, then drag the very 2 year old boy back on a connecting flight home again.

Grr. Well, it does save the Shriner's a bit of cash. THis nonsense only runs $600 each. They are paying for it, the cab voucher and putting us up for the night. And I guess I can't really complain. They do not charge for any of the visits, transportation or supplies needed for the boys care. I am just a bit aggravated that anyone has to pay that much money to fly for a doc appointment.

Well, wish my wonderful DH luck at any rate. HE will be on duty for nearly 40 hours. Sure, far less time than the 2 weeks we were gone the first time, during the worst October Storm this area has ever seen, but still. It will be a nice reminder of what I deal with 24/7, and much easier for him since I will have the boy with me.

OOH Maybe I'll get a nice present out of it! Maybe I'll just get an even better hug and a bit of sympathy. Maybe I should just stop expecting things and keep in mind that he works very hard so that I can stay home with the punks we were given.

Eh, I guess. I am a very lucky woman and I know it!


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