Are Wii Having fun yet?
We got a Wii just before Mother's day. THe basic system, Wii Play, and Link's Cross bow. IT was fun, and we enjoyed it.
3 weeks later we get Guitar Hero 3, 2 steering wheels, Thrill Ville and Indy 500. Wow! Never know family time could evoke SO much laughter! ANd I can't remember the last time I felt SO accomplished as the night I ran downstairs where DH was recording with one of his artist and I burst in exclaiming " I beat the devil on Easy!!".
THis past week, was perhaps my shining achievement I managed to snag Mario Kart AND a Wii Fit.
I've NEVER laughed SO hard while exercising in my life! I love that it is very encouraging, with a hint of attitude. I love that when I end up as a snowball at the bottom of a giant downhill ski hill, that I can't wait to do it again! I love that my girls, now 7 and 6, willingly race each other and laugh SO hard when they LOSE!
I'm sure I will be sore, but I am equally sure I will be playing this thing more tonight. and tomorrow. and the next day!
Nope, no endorsement deals here, just letting you know that there are things that live up to the hype!