Thursday, January 29, 2009

item #359842 that I"ve never thought I'd ever have to say.


my beloved system has been away getting fixed since I could not put anything into the DVD drive.

It returned home today with the offending object attached. A Quarter.


Maybe the boy was just trying to buy something off Disney or Noggin?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

I"m in a good place.

I am surrounded my a terrific family and a nice circle of friends. I have all my needs taken care of - well, some by me, but I can meet them at least!

Life is good. I keep saying that, but it is just SO true!

I pray each of you will have the peace I have today, and that is doesn't take 38 years for you to find it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Birthdays and the boy.

I really love this age. THe boy is 3.5.

This is not stopping him from planning his birthday party. He will tell anyone the plans he has so far. This is not new to me. The 8YO was forever trying to plan her own surprise party. She gave up on that one. The 6YO loves parties, but likes to just gather friends at home. When I asked her what she would like for her birthday party, she gave me a look and said in her most sarcastic tone "You know, a PARTY? Friends, Games, a cake?." Duh. I had no idea what a party was LOL.

The boy is always planning his party. He chatted up the woman in line behind us telling her of the plans for the party in our back yard. Being its Buffalo, and its January, and there is not one, but 2 Alberta Clippers about to bear down on us, she asked if it will be cold. Imagine her surprise when he told her his Burfday is in June!

So far he has a list of people he wants to invite. (I was happy to hear, I made the A list!) He wants it to be in our back yard (Specifically NOT Bounce Magic or CHuck E Cheese and NOT Applebys like his soon to be 5 YO cousin. He wants CAKE. ANd wants to help make it. He wants a picture of himself on that cake. Um, ok, Buddy we will do our best. And he wants....Hula Dancers. Girls. NOT his sisters. Five of them. DH said if his boy wants Hula dancers, he will PERSONALLY audition them for him. What a guy. The boy also wants water balloons. Filled with water.

Um When do boys learn to be boys? Hula Dancers? FIVE of them? Really? And if they cold he told me, he will let them wear his jackets. He is, after all, a gentleman.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year!!


I tend to not make them, or make them so vague its impossible to fail.

We are working on measurable goals in my MOPS group this year and I have yet to fill mine out! (Yup, MOPS season is 1/2 over already!)

So, my standard goals of "Be better off than I am at this time next year and try at least one new things" will stay, but I need to implement something more concrete.

I guess a good place to start (And turn to!) will be devotion time. I should do this, I WANT to do this, I never seem to stick to it, or screw up the first part of the day/ week/ month/ year that I think "Why bother", so I will start with a tiny MEASURABLE baby step of trying to get 15 minutes A WEEK in place. How's that for measurable AND achievable?

I also want to work on my office. Yup, WAY back when a FLYlady group I am on had the motto of "Find the floor 2004" this was what I wanted to work on, but I had no real goals then. YES, I DID find the floor, and we have been using the front door for the kids, so I've even kept it reasonable clear. - Well a walk way is clear most of the time at least!

I even get most of my desk cleared off sometimes, but I can't seem to make it "stick". SO my measurable, achievable baby step will be to spend 5-10 minutes a week decluttering - and REMOVING the things I no longer love.

My FINAL "measurable and achievable" baby step will be to find a pair of jeans I absolutely LOVE then "find" the money to purchase them. I will need to be more on task with my budgeting and waste less! I will need to continue with my good food and exercise choices so they fit me for a LONG time. These jeans will fit me well, not gap or sag in anyplace, will not ride too high, or too low. Will move with me, not be too short or too long. Should not require a belt to keep them in place, and should be flattering overall. I may even *GASP* pay retail for them!

SO what are your goals? How will you judge your success?