Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back from FAYcation, but I've been too busy to post.

Vacation was GREAT! Wet, but great. I will do a proper trip report most likely after school starts later this week.

Life here has been crazy, BUT, School shopping is nearly complete, closet clean up has occurred (Who knew 3 kids under 8 could accumulate so many shoes?), House is clean, kitchen sinks are shiny, there is food in the house, and I am off to church in a bit. I start to volunteer there next month! YAY! Just one Sunday a month for now. OH. and I turned in my application for January admission to college EEEK!

SO lots going on. I can't believe Summer is almost over! As much as I love the "Freedom" that comes with Summer (Especially when swim lessons and Gymnastics are over) I look forward to settling into a routine!

SO, Look forward to me blogging away in the near future. (THat is if there is anyone out there that actually still reads this besides me LOL)

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008



I am about 85% done with the kids' packing. ALl their clothes are "Bagged and tagged" and in their suitcase and the boy's carry on is packed. Today I should finish the girls' carry ons then move on to my packing.

One week form today we will be at Animal Kingdom and getting ready to eat at Yak ANd Yeti!!

DH's alarm went off this AM (I was already awake, just laying in bed) and as he stirred to tiptoe to turn it off (HE keeps it in the bathroom LOL!) I whispered "I'm too excited to sleep" to which he chuckled and said "I KNOW!! Me, too!!"

By this time Friday we will be somewhere over the Atlantic coastline jetting our way to MCO!

I am beyond excited to go on this trip that almost wasn't!!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

t minus 5 days 8 hours 38 minutes an counting...

Almost on vacation! We can't wait!

9 days in WDW!!!


Catch you when I get back!