Monday, November 16, 2009

ANOTHER new week!

Last week became the week of the dentists!

Monday M lost one of her teeth (#6!). That night she showed me that her gums were very swollen near one of her molars. It was the size of a marble! I called the dentist and got her in the following day at 2. I check again before she went to bed and it was still swollen, but now looked like it was coming to a head?!?! By morning it was still red and angry looking, but no longer the size of a marble. I sent her to school with a note and picked her up at 1:30.

We get to the dentist and she finds that it is abscessed and has burst (SHe found the hole) Ew. An x-ray confirms that her adult molar is trying to come in, but her baby molar is firmly in place. The space in between has a significant pocket of ew. The baby molar will need to come out. M is NOT happy. SHe flat out REFUSES even though the dentist and I am willing and able to it immediately. She BEGS us to let her come back in the morning to have it done. Against our better judgement, we agree and set her up to return at 9AM.

Wednesday there is no school, and my In Laws are AWESOME so I take the other 2 kids over there and then on to the dentist with M. She is confident and in a fairly good mood. Only squirmed a bit with the novacaine, and was SO brave during the extraction process, which took under 2 minutes after the meds took effect. M agrees that we contact the tooth fairy to come the following night so that she can take her very cool looking molar with roots still attached to school.

Lots of packing changes, antibiotics and a bit of motrin and she is well enough to go to dance class and church that night.

Thursday the girls are off to school then its the boy's turn to go to his dentist for a filling. Laughing gas and novacain for him as well.

Friday it my turn. I get 3 fillings, and the one we were worried about was NOT deep enough to require an other root canal.

Later this week, we start on the crowns. Can't be the princess of everyday adventures with out them! LOL!

Still no word from the hospital about my impending surgery, but knock on wood, I"ve been feeling pretty good!!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Its a new week!

Last week I had a successful root canal, even though my #4 tooth had 2 roots. The stubby one almost got away with hiding, but it was found and drilled out in time.

I also met my surgeon, who I really like! We have a date in 2-3 weeks. THe exact date I do not know yet, but I know we will see each other again ... LOL. Yes, by gall bladder needs to come out. I've been doing OK with just diet restrictions, but I never know what will make the nausea make an appearance. The nerve. SHowing up unannounced.

Saturday I took Pup to class and she is doing GREAT!! Still just baby steps of success with "heel", "Wait" is coming along nicely, and then she decided "we" needed to learn "longdog" and "roll over" this week as well! LOL!

Sunday we skipped church since the boy was up with nightmares like a yoyo. No idea why, he was crying so hard he could barely catch his breath each time. The final time I tucked him in, the only thing I could plainly hear is "M likes the big TV". um. I llike the big TV, too, but maybe that was not the best time to tell him. SO that afternoon we took advantage of 70ยบ temps (In BUFFALO?!? in NOVEMBER?!?) to clean out the garage. We have some empty shelves, a huge pile of trash, and when that pile is gone. our tenant will be able to park in there as well!

Today is nothing spectacular. I'm catching up on laundry, training the pup, making cookies, regular mom stuff. OOH Except the tooth fairy needs to come tonight AND same girl child needs to get to the dentist tomorrow. She looks like she has an abscess Lets hope it is an easy fix! I am sending her to school with a note. I'll pick her up at 1:30, whisk her off to the dentist and hopefully be home by 3 to get the boy off the bus. In Laws are on standby if I can't get home in time. 3:45 I have to pick up Girl CHild #1 at school.

SO there is the past week. Wednesday all the kids will be home. Thursday the Boy with get his filling taken care of and Friday I will get my filling taken care of and hope it does not turn into another root canal. By then I should also have my surgery date! Is it wrong of me to look forward to a bit of forced down time?

*sigh* cookies are done and kids need tucking in. Such is the life of a Trophy Wife in Training.

Monday, November 02, 2009

How's your week shaping up?

I"ll bet even money that its infinitely better than mine will be!

Today is the only full day I have at home, and I have to clean the entire house and make a meat market run. Oh and pay on my Christmas Lay away and the car loan. Oh and pick up DH's meds.

Tomorrow I will get to have my head shrunk.

Wednesday I get to have a root canal! I"ve always wanted one of those! NOT! Followed by the "typical crazy" schedule of picking one kid up at school at 3:45 to make it to their jazz/ tap class by 4. Volunteer at Salvation Army (if I'm up to it) until they are done at 6, then race to church for their AWANA meetings until 8, then home for night time/ bed stuff.

Thursday I get to relax a bit at my Mother's Or PreSchoolers (MOPS) meeting then do my bill stuff.

Friday I have a surgical consult to have my gall bladder removed. Then I will make a mad dash to the bank and try to make it home in time to get the kids off the bus.

Saturday we have the boy's tap class in the morning and the dog's training class in the afternoon.

With exception of the MOPS meeting, and my puppy time, it doesn't look like too much fun, but I will manage! In all this I still have to find time to cook for the family, do laundry, train the dog, wash the dishes, feed the cat, blog, take a shower or two, bathe the dog, take my meds, monitor homework, and deal with what ever else wants to pop up this week!

Being a Trophy Wife is never easy!