What is A Trophy Wife?
OK, so I know what I think a trophy wife is and why I wish to become one, but others may not share my vision, so let me clue you into my way of thinking (It may not be what you are thinking, but its my blog, so you need to see my vision, even if you do not agree! LOL)
So anyway. My "Trophy Wife Dream" me would be me, only better! I would be fit!! (Not sickly "no butter, no dairy, no wheat, no fun cause I have to exercise 12 hours a day" thin, just fit!) I would be Healthy! Yes, I would eat dessert, but in moderation. I would happily use REAL butter and whole milk cause I like it, and I know where my cholesterol would stand, too!
I would drink more tea! Preferably with like minded friends! (Ok I try to do this at least once a week on my "Mom's day off Wednesdays" but I'm hoping this will NOT change in my quest!)
I would continue to take time for me! - But not to the exclusion of my family! I have and will continue to cancel my day off if my child or spouse need me!! BUT they'd BETTER need me and only me! I get grouchy if I can't fill my cup now and then!
I would be VERY good to me, but not step on toes to do it. I would be assertive in my needs, but not demanding or snarky in my pursuit. My picture would be no where to be found near the Diva entry in the dictionary.
I'd be a better home maker. Yes I'd LOVE to meet my Dear Husband at the door of our tidy organized home calm and coiffed with children happily playing TOGETHER in the background. After my hello kiss to my Honey, the children would then rise up and yell "Daddy" and smother him in hugs and kisses while I complete dinner and they chat about their days.
DInner would be nutritious and homemade to perfection, served the perfect temperature on matching dinnerware. (We already eat in the dining room together as a family most days!) so the only other thing I would add is that I'd have the patience to make it through the meal without snapping at any of my off spring!
Daddy would continue to clear the dinner plates while I got the children jammied up then we'd all read a story togehter before bathroom runs and teeth brushing. THen prayers would be said and happy children would be tucked into beds that they'd stay in all night! Well, ok, I"m not sure if me becoming "better" will make my bed invaders extinct, but its my vision!
Then DH and I can gaze lovingly into each others eyes for a bit since all my housework will have been done during the day and DH will not have to rush out do yet another side job since I will become an ace at managing the finances. Yes, we do well but there is always room for improvements!
As a trophy wife, I will make time in my life and room in the budget for things like family portraits, salon pamperings, babysitters for Date nights and well, date nights. ANd while on those dates my DH would be PROUD to be seen with me!
I hope to be where DH will want to be no matter what else is going on in his life. I mean I can do my job anywhere, so making sure my DH wants to be with me in my main goal. I'm not sacrificing me. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned in that respect.
I believe God is (and should be) number one in my life. Then there is the Man God Gave me. Then myself, my children and then my extended family and finally my friends. This only works if the man God Gave me is actually a man of God. And I thank God mine is! My DH understands that I am to be loved but he is to be respected!
OK enough mindless rambling about that for now. Any Questions?
So anyway. My "Trophy Wife Dream" me would be me, only better! I would be fit!! (Not sickly "no butter, no dairy, no wheat, no fun cause I have to exercise 12 hours a day" thin, just fit!) I would be Healthy! Yes, I would eat dessert, but in moderation. I would happily use REAL butter and whole milk cause I like it, and I know where my cholesterol would stand, too!
I would drink more tea! Preferably with like minded friends! (Ok I try to do this at least once a week on my "Mom's day off Wednesdays" but I'm hoping this will NOT change in my quest!)
I would continue to take time for me! - But not to the exclusion of my family! I have and will continue to cancel my day off if my child or spouse need me!! BUT they'd BETTER need me and only me! I get grouchy if I can't fill my cup now and then!
I would be VERY good to me, but not step on toes to do it. I would be assertive in my needs, but not demanding or snarky in my pursuit. My picture would be no where to be found near the Diva entry in the dictionary.
I'd be a better home maker. Yes I'd LOVE to meet my Dear Husband at the door of our tidy organized home calm and coiffed with children happily playing TOGETHER in the background. After my hello kiss to my Honey, the children would then rise up and yell "Daddy" and smother him in hugs and kisses while I complete dinner and they chat about their days.
DInner would be nutritious and homemade to perfection, served the perfect temperature on matching dinnerware. (We already eat in the dining room together as a family most days!) so the only other thing I would add is that I'd have the patience to make it through the meal without snapping at any of my off spring!
Daddy would continue to clear the dinner plates while I got the children jammied up then we'd all read a story togehter before bathroom runs and teeth brushing. THen prayers would be said and happy children would be tucked into beds that they'd stay in all night! Well, ok, I"m not sure if me becoming "better" will make my bed invaders extinct, but its my vision!
Then DH and I can gaze lovingly into each others eyes for a bit since all my housework will have been done during the day and DH will not have to rush out do yet another side job since I will become an ace at managing the finances. Yes, we do well but there is always room for improvements!
As a trophy wife, I will make time in my life and room in the budget for things like family portraits, salon pamperings, babysitters for Date nights and well, date nights. ANd while on those dates my DH would be PROUD to be seen with me!
I hope to be where DH will want to be no matter what else is going on in his life. I mean I can do my job anywhere, so making sure my DH wants to be with me in my main goal. I'm not sacrificing me. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned in that respect.
I believe God is (and should be) number one in my life. Then there is the Man God Gave me. Then myself, my children and then my extended family and finally my friends. This only works if the man God Gave me is actually a man of God. And I thank God mine is! My DH understands that I am to be loved but he is to be respected!
OK enough mindless rambling about that for now. Any Questions?
Labels: dreams, quest, Trophy wife