Wednesday, November 09, 2005

What has happened to the Holidays?

OK, I feel a rant coming on, but I will try to keep it under control.

My 5 YO has been wandering around the house singing holiday songs. Now, don't get me wrong, I am all for holiday spirit, but this is a bit out of control. We can't celebrate any "religous" holidays, and most people scoff at "Hallmark" holidays. We are regualted in how we can celebrate some holidays, and there seems to be no wrong way to celebrate others.

Some holiday meaning are long lost, forgotten or made "Politically correct". Since when is politics correct about everything to every one?

There are plenty of holidays that deserve special recongition, and I love that there are actual days set aside for remeberence and prayer! As long as you don't dictate what god is prayed to.

My 5 Yo , however has been singing...Veterns Day songs. Now, I am not knocking the symbolism of Veterns Day. I am very greatful for all of those that have fought to keep our country free and put their lives onthe line for us every day! But come on.

I guess it is a good thing that she has learned a bit about what verterns are and a bit about what they do. Her school even will place flags near the headstones of veterns that have passed on, some of them even fighting for our rights.

I am not sure why I find this so ridiculous. She is leanring some great truths and in a very age appropriot way. She knows more about Veterns day than I did at this age. So maybe I should just go with the flow and try not to be a "Back in my day" type of mom.

Besides singing Vetern's Day songs is infectios.....

"Vetern's Day, Vetern's Day
Comes Just Once A Year!
Lets Take Time To Honor Those
That Guard Our Freedom Dear!"

(Sung to Jingle bells!)

Everyone now!!..........


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