Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Daydreams of a housewife...

It is easy to dream about what you will do when _____. When What? What are you waiting for, and will you actually DO any of the thing you dream about?

I ask this because I always used to say "When my kids are in school, then I will be able to keep house better". No this isn't my life's ambition, just the thought I keep pondering over today. My 3 YO and 5YO are both in school for the morning and part of the afternoon, too. The Boy is snoozing away.

My house? Not exactly my vision of perfection! So what am I doing? Um, blogging away. I pause now and then to scoop some cereal in my mouth. I think I should start the laundry cycle all over again, but still I sit.

I am meeting a friend in an hour for lunch, but what is stopping me from taking control of my house right now? I know in about 30 minutes I can make the house look sparkly. I say look because I know I will not deep clean everything today, but when my sweet Dear Husband walks in the door, it will be a comfortable place to welcome him home. Why can't I just get off my butt and do it?

In my dream, I will drop the 3YO off at day care and return home with my smiley guy. I can get the dishes started and put him in his swing in one swoop, and chat away to him while I wash the few things we dirtied at breakfast. As things are draining, I run the laundry downstairs, and get it all sorted and started, grabbing the clean things that are hung down there to be put away up here. Next I will nurse the boy and put him down for a nap, and be able to "Swish and swipe" the bathroom from top to bottom. By then the dishes can be put away, then the laundry will need rebooting. I can wipe down the washer and dryer while I am down there this time, and look over supplies I need to add to my grocery list. Back upstairs, I will take 10 minutes to put away everything that is out of place, then quickly dust the knick knacks, door frames, baseboards and pictures before running the vacuum. I know I will have enough time to get a 45 minute work out in and then my Smiley guy will awaken eat his lunch and get a fresh diaper. We will head out to lunch with my friend, then return home once again. Smiley guy will happily sit in his bouncy seat while I neat the girls' room and restock the diapers. Then I can run downstairs to bring up a freshly laundered basket of clothes and fold/ hang/ put it ALL away before returning the basket to the basement, scooping up the boy and then heading off once again to pick up my 3YO. We can return home and have a healthy snack while she tells me about her day, and smiley guy looks on from his jumper. I am relaxed and happy. Then I will read her a book or two while waiting for my 5 YO to get home on the bus.

When she gets home, she will then be snacked and chatted to while the 3 YO watches one TV show. Then I can make Dinner uninterrupted in my sparkly clean kitchen. As dinner cooks/ simmers/ bakes, I will have time to nurse and change the boy once again and put on some make up in anticipation of my Dear Husband's return home. The girls will play quietly with one toy each, happily returning it to its designated place before choosing another.

Then I wake up and see that the boy is snoozing in my lap, and I am still sitting at the computer with yesterday's laundry still in baskets nearby. Breakfast dishes are still waiting for me (they are patient, but still yell out "WASH ME" when I pass by the kitchen) and last night's dishes are clean, but abandoned in the strainer. I am dressed and look decent, but haven't worn makeup in over a week, if you don't count Halloween. I am nearly out of diapers, I don't know how much fabric softener I have, and well, I vacuumed yesterday so why do it again?

Hmm, I guess I wasted enough time here. I need to at least make one attempt at laundry before heading out to lunch. And when I come home, I will try not to be shocked and wonder if someone came and ransacked the house while I was out. I may even try to put on some eye liner before I go, so my DH will think I did it just for him later.

After I finish reading my e-mail, I promise.


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