Thursday, October 27, 2005

MORE cupcakes!!!

I guess when you get good at doing something word gets around.

Yesterday was sign ups for snacks at Day care for the Harvest Party on Friday (Hmm, another politically correct celebration!). All the moms were told to sign up for whatever snack they would like to bring in. There was a list of all the snack choices then a blank for you to fill in your child's name. Well, I look over the list contemplating each one when I see "Cupcakes" and next to it, in pencil at least, was "M____'s Mom ?"

One of M's Teachers comes out of the room with a big smile on her face saying "We were hoping you could bring some of your yummy and beautifully decorated cupcakes to the party". Ok, I do not use any secret recipes for either the batter or the frosting, just a box mix and a jar of frosting, so I can't even take credit for the "Yummy tasting" part of it. I do not add anything to them, unless we only have "yellow" and M insists on Chocolate, then I will add some cocoa powder.

Why do I have to bake, decorate and attempt to get them to school still looking as good as they did when they left, when J's mom only has to buy a bag of potato chips? Why do I have to walk around with stained fingers for 3 days when A's mom will drop off a jar of juice, something she probably already has in her cupboard since they have been on sale 10/$10 for the last 3 weeks (I know because I have stocked up on them, too!)?

Because, as I have already noticed, I am an over achieving perfectionist. So today since M doesn't have Day care, she and I made the cupcakes together. We got some primo bonding time with The boy happily watching us from is Jolly Jumper hanging in the doorway. She sat excitedly, but QUIETLY as they baked and yelled to me when they were done, just in case I didn't hear the buzzer screaming at me. She has even been so nice at to "Check" them every 20 seconds to see if they have cooled off, yet.

And yes, we will be decorating them, and my fingers should only get a tiny stain on them since we decided that "Yummy Mummy" was the way to go. White will be the main color, of course, but I will need to make yellow and black for the eyes. As I said, I am a perfectionist.

But as M and I cracked the eggs and licked the beater together today, I suddenly felt sad for J and A. They will miss out on the time M and I had together giggling when she lifted the mixer out of the batter while it was still running, and grinning to each other as we each got a beater to lick. They and their moms will not get to SMELL their treat cooking, SEE them transform from gooey to gorgeous before their eyes, TASTE their creation, FEEL the batter on their tongues, or fingers or Clothes, or Hair, HEAR the timer go off or have the great anticipation of waiting to see the results of a job well done!

When we drop these off at Day Care tomorrow I will have to thank the teachers for allowing US to be the recipient of such a great gift! I won't shake their hand though, since there will be yellow and black stains on mine still.


Blogger kim said...

Yeh, what she said!

Great blog post, and great comment to it, Diana!


8:34 PM  
Blogger Rick Knight said...

I say... next time... shake hands with pride... real moms rule.

10:28 PM  

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