Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Life Back to semi-normal

I'm not sure what "normal" is anymore, but I think this is it!

Saturday's party was a fun time for all, and Sunday's party was made easier by ordering both a cake and food! All we had to do was pay for it, sit back and enjoy the company of family and friends.

Monday was a recovery day and post party clean up, which since we ordered out, was a breeze to clean! My boy had his 4 month check up with 3 shots and then I went shopping for Halloween costumes.

Today was Bible study, looked for the final costume (Found it!) then home for lunch and warm up. I am also on a laundry quest, trying to get everything caught up and changed over since the boy insists on growing. I need to run to the grocery store, a fact I remembered while I was out, but apparently forgot to tell the car because before I knew it I was home. It is a cold, rainy day, so home isn't a bad place to be today!

My 3 YO just got home from spending her usual Tuesday at grandma's, and my 5 YO will be home soon from school.

Yes, this is "normal" here right now. Laundry in various stages of being done, dishes to be done, but there are still plenty that are clean and put away. Beds made, but floor that could use a vacuuming. Windows whose frames are dusted, but whose panes could use a good shining. Evidence of a recent gift opening or two still apparent, but wrapping paper all in the trash.

Life is good.


Blogger kim said...

oh yeh. I know all about "normal"; the various stages of laundry, party clean-up/recovery days, and partly cleaned house parts.
And lots of love to share with small people.

Life IS good.

9:03 PM  

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