Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Happy Windsday!

Mindless Ramblings and other useless thoughts

Well, here it is about 12 hours later and No one has bothered to comment. Of course, I haven't really let anyone know its here! LOL!

Anyway, I've been playing with my settings, adding links and a footer even, and for someone that thought HTML was like Latin (nice to know...for others not me!) I think I'm doing fairly well.

This Friday is my oldest's 5th birthday. For some strange reason, she has off from school so I spent my afternoon baking cupcakes and need to get them frosted soon. Then On to Dinner. Then tomorrow is crazy morning. And I need to squeeze in taking the cupcakes to school for her, but her bus doesn't come until 8:50, and the school doesn't "open" until 9. I have a meeting at 9:15. Yeah, I'm going to be late.

Friday is Errand Day, and I will need to grocery shop and make a cake for her first ever friend party on Saturday, then on Saturday I get to make a cake for the family party here. Am I nuts to have 8 of her friends, plus my 3 here all by myself? No, just an over achieving perfectionist.

Ah yes, that is it. I am a perfectionist the the point of paralysis at times, and it isn't a good thing. She is turning 5!! She won't even remember this date, except for what I choose to put in her scrapbook, that I have yet to start since I want to do my books in order and I am still on my wedding album. She has already forgotten that I foolishly made her invites purple. It WAS her favorite color. WAS. It changed about 3 minutes before I finished them, and she was angry with ME for not knowing that her favorite color is now blue. Or black. Maybe Yellow. I do love her, and respect her right to change her mind. I just wish she was still young enough for me to tell her what she loves. She is turning into a little person. She can ride her bike! She rides the bus by herself. She has friends whose parents I do not know! She is 5. No, she is 4 and 363.5/365.

She is making her own decisions, but I still get veto power for the time being. I love the theory that she should be making 5/18 of all her own decisions right now. If I am to let go of her when she is 18 and send her off into the world, she will need to be able to make every decision that comes her way. I am trying my best to enable her to do that. I give her tools every day, and now she is responsible for 5/18 of her decisions.

I digress.

Ok Cupcakes need frosting and I would like to get the colors mixed before she gets off the bus. I hope I have all her current favorite colors on hand, the ones I know about and the ones she will decide are her faves when she bounds into the door!


Blogger Lizzie Tish said...

Well that's a lot of cake and cupcakes you have to make. Enjoy your weekend of celebations :)

Pssst.....12 hrs since the blog went up MIGHT not be enough time for many replies oh impatient one ;)

1:56 PM  
Blogger Elena said...

LOL! The funny thing is at Bible study yesterday we had to complete the sentence "It is just like me to______"

I said "Be Impatient". *sigh*.

I guess I need to work on that. Now. Right now.


2:46 PM  
Blogger Rick Knight said...

That's two in a row... you've got the start of a newspaper column here. Sweet, warm stuff... like those cupcakes. Keep writing.

8:16 PM  

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