Saturday, October 29, 2005

Squishy Shoulders and Chunka chunk legs.

Um, no not mine LOL!

My boy is not only my only boy, he is also my only full term baby. I had my first in a hurry girl at 34.5 weeks. My water broke for some unknown reason and she was born naturally just 5 hours later!

My second was even more in a hurry to be born. My water broke with her at 28 weeks 5 days (A "full term" pregnancy is on average 40 weeks, with 37-42 weeks considered the norm). I held off going into labor, but she still insisted on coming early. I discovered her cord coming out and had to have her via emergency c-section at exactly 29 weeks. She spent just 6 weeks in the NICU before coming home.

We weighed a lot of the pros and cons of having another, and finally decided to leave it to God. God knows best and we got pregnant almost immediately and we were followed very closely since they still had no idea why I had 2 preemies. My Doc reiterated that every pregnancy is different and sent me on my way, with just a few more tests and a few more visits scheduled than an average pregnancy. I packed my bags at 27 weeks. I celebrated 29 weeks and every passing week after. You have never seen a pregnant lady SO happy to have reached 36 weeks!

By 37 weeks, I was getting anxious, 38 weeks panic started to set in...what if this baby NEVER comes out?!? 39 weeks brought more panic..what do you mean, DOC that YOU are going on vacation? I see my Doc's partner and like him immediately.

39 weeks 2 days, I wake up and know something is different. By lunch I am driving myself to the hospital. By dinner I have a full term boy born via successful VBAC (Vaginal birth after c-section)! Everyone was estimating a 7.5 pound boy, but I didn't even want to wish it! ME!! A mom to a big baby! That didn't even seem possible!! My girls were 5 pounds 10 oz and TWO pounds 14 oz at birth. Imagine our SHOCK to see the numbers on the scale..EIGHT pounds NINE ounces!!! That is one ounce BIGGER than BOTH of the girls combined!!! ME!! A mom to a newborn with ROLLS!!

You would think the novelty of baby fat would, well, wear thin. No, baby fat just keep getting cuter! Every diaper change I am amazed that we have these Chunka chunk legs. Thighs so big I cannot wrap my hand around them!! Every time I try I squeeze them to my boy's delight as I exclaim "Chunka Chunk Legs!" I am responded to with squeals of delight! I move up to his "Tubby Tum Tum", then the "SQUISHY SHOULDERS!" this exercise has us both laughing.

I can imagine that I will have to stop doing this soon. Yes, my boy is getting bigger, and not just the pounds on the scale. He is 4 months old already!! He weighs as much as my 29 weeker did at a year. I want to keep admiring his rolls, but know there will be a day they will either start to go away, or they will no longer be cute. I still do it often right now. I want to do it a thousand times so that I will never forget it. I am already starting to forget things, and it just doesn't seem fair!

OK, my squishy shouldered, tubby tummied, chunka leg boy is almost asleep. I will put him in his bed for a nap and watch him sleep for a bit, resisting with everything I have to not touch him again until he awakens later. I look forward to that actually! When he wakes, he will need a new diaper, then I can admire his Chunka chunk legs again!!


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