Tuesday, March 07, 2006

how I spend my days

Someone on my online play group asked me how I managed to loose so much weight so far and this is my reply to her:

I am lower than I was when I got preggers and just 2 pounds from my wedding day weight (1999). Here is my typical diet and exercise for a typical day:

6:40 AM DH leaves for work

6:45 AM Have eyes forced open by 3 YO asking if I am awake yet. Boob is still hanging out from last baby feed some where around 3 AM. Convince her that I am still sleeping but let her have the remote so that she can watch TV while I try to get some more sleep.

6:50 AM try to force my eyes open so I can look at the 5YO and tell her to stop fighting over the remote.

6:55 AM baby wakes and wants to nurse, so I try to get comfy with 3 kids in my bed and Noggin in the background.

7:10 AM crawl out of bed with baby in arm, make the bed with free arm while older kids "help". IF I make my bed, then it is that much harder to crawl back in it.

7:11 (Didn't say I made the bed well!) change baby's diaper, take off his jammies and change his onsie. Put him in his crib with music playing softly.

7:13 get both girls some breakfast, put mine in the microwave and hit the shower while they eat and mine cooks.

7:15 Tell the girls to eat in the dining room, not the living room

7:16 Go potty finally, brush my teeth and put in my contact lenses. start to yell at them again, but decide a shower is more important

7:20 get hair all sudsy and hear "Mom, I Need a paper towel, sister spilled my cereal on the carpet in the living room"

7:22 Rinse hair quickly, put hair in towel, and dress to the shoes

7:23 go to living room and clean up the mess. Re pour cereal and set it on the dining room table.

7:25 gather all laundry and take it to the basement to sort.

7:26, run back up stairs when baby starts to yell. Admonish 3YO for getting in the crib with him.

7:28 tell girls to get dressed and head back to the basement with baby on your hip. Start 1st load of wash

7:29 toss damp towel in dryer since you never got the load out of the dryer yesterday.

7:31 come back upstairs, turn off TV again and tell girls to get dressed.

7:32 clean up cereal spilled on dining room table. announce breakfast over then tell girls to get dressed once again.

7:35 start washing dishes. Tell girls to get dressed.

7:37 take hair out of towel and run a comb through it.

7:40 go to closet, take out clothes, hand them to each of the girls and tell them to get dressed (Don't forget there is a baby on your hip or you might bang his head into the closet door)

7:42 get a small ice pack for baby's head

7:45. Turn off kitchen faucet. Clean up water mess from letting the water run too long.

7:46 tell girls to get dressed.

7:47 get baby dressed to the shoes then let him play on the floor in the living room.

7:48 Grab 3 YO and take off her jammies. Tell her to get dressed

7:50 grab 5 YO, take off her jammies and tell her to get dressed

7:51 go rescue cat from baby's grip

7:52 Tell 3 YO that you meant to get clothes on, not her jammies and pull her jammies off her once again.

7:53 go finish cleaning up water mess in the kitchen

7:55 help 3 YO get dressed. Tell 5 YO to get dressed

8:00AM locate baby...he was stuck behind the couch trying to get the cat again. Start to look for his shoes. The baby's not the cat's.

8:10 put baby's shoes back on him, move him to the exersaucer and tell 5 YO to get dressed once again. Tell 3 YO to get her socks and shoes back on.

8:11, dress the 5 YO against her wishes She is a big girl and doesn't need help. OK, then WHY didn't she do it 45 minutes ago?

8:12 set up the tooth brushes so they can brush their teeth as soon as they put on their shoes.

8:13 check to make sure 5 YO's back pack has everything in it that she needs. Find a note she forgot to give you that due to unforeseen circumstances today is her snack day. for 21 kids. No chips or candy, please.

8:14 find the girls smearing the tooth paste on the side of the bathtub with their toothbrushes. Smile since they have their shoes on!!!

8:16 scour kitchen for a "No chip, no candy" snack including, juice, cups, napkins for 21 kids. UGH!

8:18 take baby out of exersaucer. HE has exploded and the poop is coming through all layers of clothing.

8:19 bathe baby and quickly redress him, being careful to not get tooth paste on my clothes from the side of the tub.

8:22 redress the baby to the shoes, yell to 5 YO to get her coat on.

8:25 tell 3 YO to put her socks and shoes back on

8:27 Help 3 YO with her shoes then instruct her to put her jacket on.

8:29 GO to kitchen to grab a bottle of water and notice my breakfast now cold still in the microwave.

8:30 shovel 4 big spoonfuls in my mouth anyway then dump rest of contents in the hot soapy water I started earlier.

8:32 tell 3YO to get her shoes AND jacket back on while helped 5 YO not topple over from the jar of juice and box of goldfish crackers in there along with everything else she needs.

8:33 locate baby.

8:40 help 3 YO with her shoes and jacket.

8:42 get jacket on baby and well as my jacket on.

8:44 Notice blankie missing form 3 YO's Preschool bag.

8:45 set 5YO up in the front foyer to watch for her bus while you try to locate blankie. Don't forget Baby is on my hip.

8:48 try to convince 3 YO that Rabbit blankie is just as restful as doggie blankie as 5 YO announces her bus is coming.

8:48 Actually get 5YO on the bus! YAY!! one down!

8:49 lock up front foyer and TELL 3YO that rabbit blankie will be going to school with her.

8:50 grab keys, diaper bag, checkbook and purse. Locate 3 YO who is now refusing to stand.

8:51 take baby and other effects to the car put in all "Things", bring baby back in to tell 3YO "I really mean it, we need to leave now."

8:55 put 3YO's shoes back on her, get her her own bottle of water, put baby's shoes back on him, grab the preschool bag and head out the door again.

8:57 pull out of driveway with everyone in their proper car seats.

8:59 pull back in driveway, leaving everyone in the car while I run back in for blankie.

9:03 arrive at preschool just 3 minutes late. Get 3 YO settled in her room, stop at the front office to write this week's check.

9:05 smell the freedom in the air!

9:08 - 9:30 Grab a few forgotten items at the market

9:35 arrive home unload baby and groceries

9:40 put away perishables, leave rest of groceries, grab baby and finally sit to nurse him at the computer. Check e-mail and all groups while I do so. Mubch on almods I have hidden in a drawer.

10:10 try to get baby to sleep in his crib. sneak out of the room backwards with soft music playing.

10:12 run to the basement to reboot laundry. Hang up my and DH's clothes while standing at the dryer, bring up rest in a basket after moving wash to dryer and starting another load.

10:20 finish putting away groceries, finish washing dishes, then try to fold and put away clothes in basket.

10:30 baby wakes up not happy.

10:31 try to sooth him back to sleep for 20 minutes before giving up and letting him play in the jumper while I talk to him and fold clothes.

10:40 turn to discover baby sleeping in jumper. Decide that if he was comfortable enough to fall asleep there, he can stay there rather than risk moving him.

11AM this load of laundry done, dishes washed and in the drainer, groceries put away and meat pulled out for dinner tonight.

11:05 grab some tea and cookies. Munch on them while "playing" on line.

11:30 return basket to the basement and reboot laundry, hanging things down there and bringing up the rest.

11:38 baby wakes up not happy. Change his diaper, then play with him a bit on the floor. Discover I should vacuum.

11:39 pick up all small toys in the walk ways and pull out the vacuum. Put baby on hip and vac living room and dining room too.

11:45 get back on the floor to play with baby. Decide that since I am down there, maybe I should exercise. Pop in favorite work out tape and move baby to exersaucer. GO to kitchen to retrieve bottle of water forgotten earlier. See dishes that need putting away and since baby is happy now, put them away, dry out the sinks and think about lunch. make some tuna salad for lunch, and discover that there is no dairy free bread in the house, and I forgot to get some this morning at the store. PUt it in the fridge since baby decides he has had enough of the exersaucer.

12:05 baby is happy on the floor again, and exercise video is still playing. No, I"m not exercising, but it seems to keep baby happy! Since baby is happy, I decide to clean the bathroom. "Swish and swipe" and get all the tooth paste off the side of the tub.

12:30 baby still happy! run down to reboot laundry again, add that basket to the other one that needs folding still.

12:35 rewind video and put on sneakers. Grab bottle of water and put baby in the jumper. Actually start to exercise!

12:37 phone rings. IT is DH asking if you can run a few things over to his parents for him. NP, they only live a mile away. Take off sneakers, put on boots again, grab baby, put his jacket on and relocate his shoes. grab the things that IL's need, turn off dvd and TV and run everything over there. They want to visit for a bit, so I stay "Only for a minute".

1:40 head back to day care to pick up 3 YO. She is dead asleep. Um no need to wonder why. She was up at 6:30 this morning!

2:05 finally make it home with cranky 3YO. Feed her a fruit roll up and milk (She eats lunch at school). Decide to shove a few spoonfuls of tuna salad in my mouth straight from the bowl.

2:10 baby needs a diaper and to nurse again. Set 3 YO up with a movie and nurse him while I play on the computer more. Munch on blueberries straight form the package.

2:30 baby is sleeping and 3 YO is quiet. too quiet.

2:31 put baby into bed successfully and locate 3 YO. she is transferring a juice box (I didn't give it to her) To a cup by squeezing it. SHe mostly missed the cup and it is on the carpet. Clean it up the best I can, having her help. run to the basement to get the extractor and come up to discover 3 YO in crib with the baby again.

2:40 get her out of the crib, sooth crying baby.

3:00 baby asleep again and now run extractor on new juice spot and earlier milk spot. 3YO vanishes

3:05 find 3YO "HElping" to fold the 2 baskets of laundry. Since she is happy and baby is sleeping, I run downstairs and add a 3rd basket to be folded.

3:10 have 3 YO continue to help and try to get it all folded. Don't want to risk waking the baby so no kid clothing gets put away yet, just mine and DH's.

3:30 start waiting for 5YO's school bus, putting away DVD's while I do so since I can still see the road from the entertainment center.

3:45 5YO finally arrives Home. Feed her a snack and set up her homework. Yup my 5YO gets homework just about daily!

4:00 start on dinner, stopping frequently to mediate fights, deal with baby, clean up spill, sign off on homework, bring in the mail and refold all the laundry that 3 YO unfolded.

4:45 call form DH that he is running late, but should be home in 40 minutes. Stall dinner.

4:46 have girls help you put away laundry with baby on my hip.

4:55 return all baskets to the basement

4:58 Mom calls just to chat. Try to ignore fighting children.

5:00 tell mom I have to go and swear I hear her laughing as I hang up.

5:01 get girls settled with a DVD and start on dinner again while baby watches from the exersaucer.

5:05 decide to toss old food in the fridge while dinner cooks.

SO basically: DH arrives home to find all the kids alive and well and Wife looking good, but is more from lack of food than anything else!. The kitchen floor is remarkably clean. Dinner doesn't go too well since I have to jump up about 12 times to get or clean up various things. Baby gets himself and everything around him messy so he gets another bath, which the girls find very unfair, so I let them bathe too.

I nurse him while they bath and then do our before bed stuff before getting them in about by 8. I wash the dinner dishes, finish up laundry, putting away as much as I can. Send 3 YO back to bed about 10 times before she finally falls asleep on the floor in the hall. DH is getting some side work done in the basement during all this. Come 10 PM we try to watch at least one TV show together, but fail miserably at it since neither of us can stay awake.

11PM we finally resign ourselves to bed, and 7 AM comes way too early once again.

ON a good note. I am eating much better since I don't have time to snack. I may not get any "real" exercise in, but I am carrying around a 23 pound weight often, and am constantly moving!

Hmm, actually all in all, I have a pretty good life!

Mom of 3
Girl Girl boy


Blogger Lizzie Tish said...

I'm exhausted just reading that! LOL I remember those days too well. You have to print that parade of daily adventures out and save it. It will be fun to read when the kids are all older.


12:58 PM  
Blogger kim said...

I loved this! I remember these days, and it's sad for me to say that they are already just a memory for me. Lizzie's right, print it out, and you'll recall these days with fondness when you re-read it, even just 3-4 years from now.

And woohoo on getting skinny, even if it's by way of a few gobbled mouthfuls of oatmeal on the way out the door, or a couple spoonfuls of tuna straight out of the bowl!!


3:53 PM  

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