Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Have I REALLY changed my last diaper?

I've been changing diapers for nearly 8 years now! That is a LONG time, trust me!

I got home from my fabulous Mother's day Cruise with my girlfriend (More on that later) and kissed my sleeping children before crawling into bed with my dear husband late SUnday night.

I was awaken in the morning with an excited "My Momma! She's HOME!" My Momma! She's HERE!" Which was a great way to start my first full day back from, paradise (More on that trip in a later post).

I got my sweet kids all off to school on time, even getting all 3 of them a donut treat before school. It was great! Then I set out to do the banking that didn't get done and pay some bills that didn't get paid, coming back to start to unpack all the bags. Now mind you, I only took a total of 4 bags - 2 checked bags, my carry on and my purse, but DH took the kids away for a couple days as well, and each of the kids packed 3 small bags. That's a ton of luggage that invaded my dining room.

Anyway, I got each of the kids back home again, and went about the business of laundry and dishes, etc. and even managed to remember to cook and feed them all dinner! After dinner my sweet boy, who will be 3 next month announced. "I don't need diapers anymore. I a big boy!" And requested big boy pants. Hmm. Well, What's the worse that can happen? ANother load or two of sheets, etc on the already huge pile. I do not feel like arguing with my boy since I am still in a very relaxed mood, so I insist he use the potty one last time, remind him that he is not wearing a diaper and send him to bed.

We make it through the night accident free. I have a few errands to run and I have to take the boy with me, so every chance we get, I make him sit on the potty. He goes peeps every time. Hmm.

He takes a nap and wakes up accident free. We have one smallish accident when I forget to make him sit on the potty after yet another errand, but he remembers as he is going, and only gets his big boy pants and jeans wet, nothing else. I applaud his effort and give him a choice, but he chooses big boy pants yet again.

We go to my mother's house to celebrate her birthday, and we make it there (About 25 miles) and home again accident free. I make him go potty one last time before bed and he wakes up accident free yet again. He wakes up groggy, but hungry and insists that he does NOT have to go peeps, so I get him his breakfast, against my mommy instinct to have him sit on the potty anyway. He goes in his pants while eating, but I still applaud him for staying dry so long, make him sit on the potty to finish, and put fresh big boy pants on him. He must have stopped himself since it only took one paper towel to clean up and he is just wearing thin jammies.

SO now my boy is off to school in big boy pants. I sent in 2 changes of clothing, but since they make them all go potty about every hour on the hour I have confidence that he will be just fine!

I am very excited about this stage of life. DIAPER FREE!!! Imagine what I can spend that money on! Well, next month's allotment just went to more big boy pants. And a cookie at the "parking lot" for the boy. His request. I know he meant the mall, but he always calls it the parking lot. as in "Can we go ride the crocodile at the parking lot?" Translation: "Can we ride the elevator at the mall?" Not sure what goes on in that boy's head sometimes, but at least I can figure out what he means and right now, he means he no longer wishes to wear diapers!!!

Now what to do with the ones I have left over here......


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