Saturday, February 03, 2007

I can't believe 2007 is 1/12 over already!

Here we are the begining of February already. Wow. Since Christmas, I have had (ANd defeated!) a strep infection, got my portable dishwasher "hard wired" into my kitchen for easier use, Turned 36, went out to an 80's party with my little sister (And looked amazing!), and have learned how much I LOVE cooking when you have the right tools!

I am still wokring on getting my home less cluttered (My local group of FLYladies are helping me out with it - our Motto is "Progress not Perfection". I am letting go of things in my home I no longer love or use (Thankfully, I am still in love with my Husband!) And we even got our taxes done (Will be deposited just after Valentine's day!). I've had some VERY nice get togethers at my friend's house, and got my haircut for the first time since before Disney! Oh, speaking of which, I am 99.99% sure we will be going back this year.

In store this month: Another night out, this time with my next oldest sister (There are 5 of us girls!) to a "Disco" party that my DH is coordinating with the best of the best Disco DJ's from the late 70's/ early 80's. And a return trip to Cincinnati. I also have a clown show coming up this week and I will be volunteering in my 4YO classroom twice this month.

As a totaly mindless tangent, I hate change, so I hope that whatever I just did to "Update my blog" will have no ill affect on my posting. At least this appears to be the same as it was my last post 5 weeks ago. Time will tell, I guess.

OK, Just popping in, time to get the boy back in bed once again.


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