Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Back form Cincy Again.

Well, yesterday we had our first clinic visit and the awesome Shriner's flew us out in the morning then home again in the early evening. We were only gone 14 hours!

The boy got his gloves and shorts (They gave us 3 of each) and is at day care right now (Actually, he is probably out Trick or Treating at the infamous "St Joe's" or just gotten back). The Day care goes over there each year for their Haloween Parade. C and M both have their costume parties today as well, and I am volunteerng in M's class room this afternoon.

Everyone at the Hospital was very pleased with his healing process and we go back in a month to check on progress and decide if his one finger needs a quick proceedure or not. We are giving it one more month to try to heal itself, then we will schedule a proceedure if it doesn't. Nothing serious, he has just developed a rather sizable skin tag right on the tip of it, but he will have to be put under to have it removed. The shorts are SO much easier to use than the ace wrap and I was SO pleased to feel how smooth his skin is now that we are using them. With the gauze and ace wrap I could never get it totaly flat, and now it is!! His glove is a bit of a struggle to get on, but he has SO much better mobility in his hand and fingers with it on! Not to mention that it is beige, so now it doens't stand out so much. I"m not sure if it is easier to use than wrapping each finger individuality, but it is just one thing to put on instead of several littles ones. I am still massaging and stretching him 2 times a day and the garments are to be worn all the time unless he is in the tub or having his PTdone. About 23 1/2 hours a day they said.

SO, it was a good trip, but I forgot how tiring it is to spend a full day travelling! I got up at 4:30 AM, showered, got dressed, folded some laundry, got The boy up, gave him a quick bath, woke up DH so he could shower while I did the dressing change, then we all piled in the car to head to the airport around 6 AM fora 7:30 flight. The girls spent the night with my ILs. We both napped on the airplane, arrived in Philly on time, found out departure gate after walking the entire length of one terminal, taking the tram to another terminal, and walking almost the entire length of the other terminal and discovered my cell phone missing! UGH! They called back to our arrival gate and yes, they did have it so we had to take the tram back to the other terminal to fetch it then come ALL The way back again. I decided we should split a pretzel at least since I last ate "real" food at 5:30 in the morning! We got back in time, boarded the plane and even left a bit early, but we were delayed on the runway for nearly 40 minutes. We only arrived 25 minutes late in Cincy though. I still had nearly an hour before my appointment, but the Shriner's were never told we needed picking up, so I lost 50 minutes while they came and got us. We arrived 5 minutes late for our clinic visit, but at least we got in right away! The drivers were anxious to go home and they were trying to take us back to the airport ot 3:30 - our flight didn't leave until 7:30! Our "team" convinced them that we NEEDED to eat SOMETHING and well, they still needed to make the final adjustments on 2 of the gloves and 2 of the shorts. SO I grabbed food while they got sewing and we still got to the airport 3 hours early.

I am unfortunately getting pretty good at killing time in airports with a toddler! We got on our plane to go home, and we were delayed while waiting for airplane to come in from LA. Ricky nursed then fell asleep and I had a pleasent chat with our seat mate, who is also from the same town I live in. Somehow, even leaving almost 20 minutes late, we arrived 2 minutes early, and I was home just a couple minutes after 9 PM, unpacked our bag and new materials, gave the boy a quick bath, massage and stretch, then got him into a new glove and shorts before nursing him to sleep and crawling into bed just after 10 PM myself.

SO I guess that's the update for today!


Blogger Lizzie Tish said...

I'm keeping your family and R in my prayers. You're handling everything so wonderfully. You're really amazing.

7:50 AM  

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