Thursday, November 30, 2006

Home again home again

The Boy and I may it back ok, but making it there, was an adventure all its own. We made it there and home again in just under 12 hours. (My Parking receipt says time in 9:45 time out 21:12- that's 9:12). Our flight was delayed in leaving Buffalo, making us late for our appointment, but a few phone calls and all was well. We finally arrived at the hospital at 3 (Appointment time was 2:25 and we were supposed to land at 12:20), but we signed in and waited, and only had to sit long enough for The Boy to bump his head on the climber. Just a red mark there, and we were lead to the room.

The nurse told me to strip The Boy but leave his garments on, and someone would be with us shortly. I got his shirt off and the OT and PT ladies came in. They both agreed that the garments are fitting nicely. I gave the seamstress the one pair of shorts he has that were too long (Well, tall, but that didn't sound right - they went to his armpits LOL!) and she set out to fix them. As PT was looking at the scarring, Doc and his entourage arrived and gave him the once over as well. PT got his shorts off and everyone agreed all is looking good!!

There were a few things I was concerned about but they are no problem or "normal" or "Expected". They did give us a "french fry" to put in his glove between 2 of his fingers to try to help stretch it a bit more since the area is getting tight. I also have one more stretch massage to do every morning and night, adding 2 minutes total to our day. The "french fry" is just a small strip of foam. They use such technical terms at this new fangeled hospitals!

The good news is that he no longer has to wear his splint at night. That thing hurt when he clunked you in the head with it! I did have to promise that if his fingers start to curl at all, we will go right back to using it. The best news is that we don't have to go back to Cincinnati until the end of February!! We went to get pictures taken (SO cute that he smiles so big when they are just taking pix of his hand LOL!) then got him dressed and scheduled his next appointment. Time out: 3:40!!

We were stopped in the foyer by our social worker and had a nice chat, and the seamstress return the shorts to us then we went and had lunch. We got back downstairs just as the drivers were gathering up the other 2 sets of people heading back to the airport. We were first to be dropped off then took our time getting to our gate since we had 3 more hours to go.

The Cincinnati/ Norther Kentucky Airport is really big. We stopped to get my name on my ticket fixed so that I could credit the flights to my airmiles card. We then walked form the ticketing/ baggage claim terminal over to terminal A, where there is an indoor play area. I let the boy play there for almost 45 mintues, then I changed his diaper and went potty, then we walked over to terminal B to catch the shuttle bus to terminal C. I le tthe boy lead the way and he played with a little boy around his age for all of 3 mintues before moving on and eventually finding the toy store we visited before. I did find another of the "Cars" that my sister needs to fill her son't collection, then sat, bursed him to sleep and waited.

The ride home was exactly on time.

I have noticed something I do to pass time. I recast all the people I see. How can I explain this? I feel like it is all a movie scene and everyone around me are the actors in it, so then I set out to "cast" all the roles with people I know. Not just "real" actors, but anyone I've ever seen that may be a good match to play that person! LOL! Hmm, the couple eating ice cream? Meg Ryan and my cousin Matt. The guy sleeping? My Friend's Son. OH and the guy sitting next to him could be That guy that was on CSI...I don't have to know their names, just who I would cast to play them, no experience necessary. Weird I know. But you try spending hours on end in an airport with a sleeping toddler.


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